Monday, December 31, 2007

Bhutto Shot Before Explosion

And so it's confirmed, she was shot before the bombing. This is not the normal MO of a suicide bombing. Another shocking surprise!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

What is Happening?

A major competitor for the first democratic elections since a military coup in the country of a prominent American "ally" was assassinated on Thursday night.

On Friday, it as announced that a major player (as far as fund raising and support of growth go) among the Repulican candidates for President will be excluded from the next round table discussion involving his parties candidates.

A prominent Democratic leader vying for the Presidency has stopped answering questions from the audience after speaking.

A guy wrote an article using the phrase "What's the Ding-Dang-Deelio?" and it made a lot of sense.

In what is being sold to us as a time of extreme danger to "the homeland," prominent police departments run sting operations to entrap innocent civillians for petty crimes.

And all this begs the questions. Just what the hell is going on around here these days? Bhutto's assassination presents questions that we know will likely never be fully answered, because all that ever happens in cases like this is that al-Qaeda is blamed initially and then everybody just forgets about it. Who knows what will happen there now? The general election will likely be canceled ("postponed") and Musharraf will continue to hold power. What a volatile country Pakistan is right now. Remember, Musharraf took over in a coup. The general public there is not exactly enamored with him. Now, someone who had a great chance to unseat him has just been killed a week before the election and it will likely go unsolved. Not only that, but the fact that it didn't go down like a "normal" suicide bombing (Bhutto was shot twice before the bomb exploded) just raises more questions. I have read about many, many suicide bombings but I don't remember ever reading one in which the attacker shot a specific victim and then detonated a bomb. I'm not saying it means anything specific or that it is completely unprecedented, just that it's weird and will raise questions. And what about theories that Bhutto was assassinated partly because of her chance of becoming a prominent world leader who holds the view that Osama bin Laden is dead? Read more about theories regarding the death of bin Laden here. I mean, it makes sense, doesn't it? It seems mighty unlikely that he's hauling that dialysis machine back and forth around caves in Pakistan and Afghanistan, and has been for 5 years. And you know, many world powers can hold the specter of bin Laden over their people to exert further control over them, giving those countries a lot to gain by perpetuating his legend. You know, what gets the media and the threat levels more riled up than a "new" bin Laden tape?

The major media has tried extra hard to ignore Ron Paul lately, but with his unprecedented fundraising success for a candidate of his stature (far behind the elite mass-media "frontrunners"), his one-day record for online contributions, (though notice they throw in a Howard Dean "Yeeeeeaawwww!" just so Paul doesn't get too full of himself) and the fact that his message reaches across the political spectrum, it is getting harder and harder to sweep him under the rug. Compounding what Paul is doing right, the Republicans are stuck with a bevy of lackluster candidates this year, none who have proven to be particularly strong at anything. They bicker, spew one-liners and talk about how great they did during 9/11 but none of them can handle a direct question, and come on...Look at Romney, Giuliani and Huckabee (the "frontrunners"). Those are 3 terrible options and I think Republicans are starting to recognize that. Not only that, but could either of those 3 beat Hilary Clinton in a general election? Take that in to account, Republicans out there. Romney....No (he's a mormon and he flip-flops more than Kerry was accused of doing in '04). Huckabee...No (religious conservatives won't out-vote women). Giuliani...No (he's gay and abortion friendly, plus all Democrats absolutely despise him). Hell,if Hilary were the Democratic nominee and one of those 3 were on the other side, even I would have to vote for Hilary. However, even as a democrat, I would vote for Paul over Hilary in an instant. Oh, and for you "Support our troops!"ers out there, Paul has gotten more contributions from military members than any other Republican candidate.

We have been taught that there are only 2 ways of thinking and we have to pick 1 of them. That is not true! There are infinite ways of thinking, and if we want to see change in our society we need to accept that and commit to it.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

The Fresh Prince and Hitler

First off, Ron Paul leads AOL Online Poll. No surprise since he wins most online polls but at 4am PST today he lead in every state except Utah (guess who?), New York and New Jersey (Giuliani of course). Not bad. You might want to consider looking in to it yourself, you know.

But mainly, Will Smith recently had to respond to a comment he made about Adolf Hitler that was interpreted completely incorrectly by some gossip magazines/shows/whatever. I think the funniest thing about this though was how hard he had to jump on the Holocaust angle. Laying it on a little thick there Will? I don't think you're in danger of being blacklisted or anything.

Nice Snopes reminder about the WWI Christmas Truce but the end is waaaaaaay sappy.

Sunday, December 2, 2007

The Martial Plan

From Rolling Stone, "How America Lost the War on Drugs." One of the most interesting articles I've read in some time. Quite a bit of research must've been done here. And just remember folks, $500 Billion down the drain already with $50 billion more being burned every year. At least drugs are pretty much non-existent now though. Money well spent!

US Claims Right to Kidnap Citizens of Other Nations. Extradition agreements are not enough, apparently. Have we really become so arrogant? I guess maybe it's stupid for me to ask that question. Can you imagine what the response would be from our government if this kind of thing started happening to American corporate executives and/or their families?

Surprisingly enough, it turns out that Iran wasn't as much of a threat as we were initially lead to believe. I am shocked. Shocked! Well, I'm sure an apology will be coming promptly from the Bush administration. The saddest thing is that one of the main points of the next Presidential election is still going to be candidates willingness to attack Iran.

The Thought Police are back
! And you thought it was 2007...Nope, check again, it's 1984.

Tom Tomorrow: Mr. 9/11 Man .

Yet another case of a police officer using a taser with no justification has come to light, and yet again, it's been captured on video. The frequency of these incidents have been building and building of late and while the officer was given a three day suspension, it must scare the people of Austin to know that someone so volatile is still on the streets. I also can't say enough about the increase of incidents like this. It seems to me like a big first step towards the possibility of martial law. Officers are seemingly being instructed to taser people indiscriminately, and an extreme crackdown by police on the ordinary citizenry is the first step towards fascism.

According to a story from Editor and Publisher, a new Harvard University survey shows that 64% of those polled do not trust press coverage of the debates, 84% believe that media coverage has too much influence on peoples' voting choices and 88% believe that campaign coverage focuses on trivial issues. BUT, 79% believe that the next president is going to be "good for the country." Do you see how this makes no sense?

The dumbing down of society continues, as students in Arkansas are prevented from learning about evolution. Tons of jokes to be made here, but really, it's just sad. Huckabee for President!