Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Another Day, Another Death

Today I came across an interesting but disturbing article regarding the total number of dead U.S. Gulf War veterans, as noted by the Department of Veterans Affairs. The number is quite shocking, over 73,000. The PDF linked comes directly from the Veterans Affairs website, so it's hard to refute. It is also quite disturbing to see the number of troops killed during the "conflict" (Desert Storm/Desert Shield), which is pegged at over 13,000. From what I remember of that whole affair, we were told a whole hell of a lot less troops died during that war. However, with only 17,000+ troops killed in the "conflict" and the "theater" (non Desert Storm/Desert Shield operations), that still leaves more than 55,000 more who have died between now and 17 years ago. Perhaps all that depleted uranium wan't such a good idea after all? I bet the media will be all over this one in a heartbeat. Just watch.

Let's foster an environment of intolerance and hate at one of our nation's premier universities! Yep, that's right, the legislatures in New York have threatened to cut funding, among other forms of retribution, to Columbia University for their refusal to cancel a speaking engagement by Iranian leader Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. Score one for democracy, higher learning and freedom! Let's make sure our best and brightest are as close minded a poible! You know what? Here's an idea. If Ahmadinejad is being allowed in to this country, he can't be as much of a threat as they say he is, can he? If so, you'd think he'd be dead before he ever set foot on the Columbia campus. I don't advocate that kind of activity, but this is the fucking United States of America, and you'd think we could pull off one little assassination on our own turf if the man visiting was really literally a threat to the entire world. The thing is, Ahmadinejad is nothing of the sort. In fact, it is integral for our government that he stay alive and unharmed, as lies and slander thrown at him are some of the strongest motivating factors behind another pointless mid-east conflict. As long as our government can sell him as a crazy nuke-loving jew-hater, they'll continue to muster some support for Vietnam Part III. They need him so they can start their war.

Meanwhile, take a look at what Ahmadinejad had to say at the UN last week, it's quite interesting stuff. And I bet it's a little different than how you may have heard it out on the mass media circuit. If you've got a few minutes, you really should at least read a couple of paragraphs.

WorldNet Daily article regarding the unconstitutional federal income tax. This is an intriguing (though pointedly depressing, considering what it means to America) story that has been underground for quite a while, and I would be remiss not to mention the great documentary by Aaron Russo - America: Freedom to Fascism (Director's Approved Edition, don't worry) in the same breath as this article. Hopefully resources like these will start waking people up, and we can get out from under the thumb of this super-oppressive form of government in to which we've stumbled. Oh, and you know what just gives away the whole damn game? An IRS spokesman responding to questions about the specific citation in the tax code that allows a federal tax on income said...c'mon, you can guess this one..."I can't comment." Hmmmm, why can't they show us the law? Perhaps because it doesn't exist? It really is that easy. Read up and watch that movie. You will be shocked.

There's danger on the edge of town
Ride the kings highway, baby
Weird scenes inside the gold mine
Ride the highway west, baby

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