Friday, November 30, 2007


We need answers. There are still too many questions. Will we ever get them to our satisfaction? Likely not, but if we are going to, it must be within these next few years. The further away we get from 9/11/01, the easier it is for people to forget about it. Look at what happened after the JFK assassination.

See, people did question whether a Boeing 757 hit the Pentagon DIRECTLY AFTER it happened. I've heard good arguments from both sides about what hit or did not hit the Pentagon that day, and I'm really not sure what to believe myself, but I was certainly surprised to see this footage. And it gets better (or worse?):

So what really happened? I'll write out exactly what I think here at a later date, but in the meantime, I'll say that there certainly seems to be a lot of merit in the theory of Globalhawks being used. However, if this was indeed a conspiracy I think a more likely scenario springs from the theory that the planes that had supposedly been hijacked by 19 arabs were in fact hijacked by Global Hawk technology. Don't get confused, a Globalhawk is a Northrop-Grumman unmanned missile drone, while "Global Hawk" is the name given to technology used by a pilot on the ground to take over control of a plane that is already in the air. There is nearly indisputable evidence that an Air Force E4B (described in the video below as "a state of the art flying command post") was in the air above the White House on the morning of 9/11, though the military/FAA/etc. of course will not confirm or deny what it was:

Equipped with Global Hawk technology, this "state of the art flying command post" would certainly be capable of taking over and controlling the planes that were "hijacked" and crashing them in to the WTC that day. If a plane did hit the Pentagon, I believe this also lends credence to the Global Hawk technology theory, because a plane being controlled remotely is much more capable of the flight pattern taken directly before the impact at the Pentagon than supposed pilot Hani Hanjour. In the end, I imagine it is likely a combination of the two theories but like I said, I'll write more on that later.

Robert M. Bowman was Director of Advanced Space Programs Development for the U.S. Air Force in the Ford and Carter administrations, and is a former United States Air Force Lieutenant Colonel with 101 combat missions. He holds a Ph.D. in Aeronautics and Nuclear Engineering from the California Institute of Technology. He believes 9/11 was an "inside job" and that Dick Cheney is the main suspect, but why should we listen to someone with credentials like that?

Dr. Morgan Reynolds, Ph.D, is professor emeritus at Texas A&M University and former director of the Criminal Justice Center at the National Center for Policy Analysis headquartered in Dallas, TX. He served as chief economist for the United States Department of Labor during 2001--2002, George W. Bush's first term. In 2005, he gained public attention as the first prominent government official to publicly claim that 9/11 was an "inside job" (link to that article is dead but here is another one by Reynolds discussing False Flag terrorism, etc), but again, why would we listen to such a crazy kook?

See, no prominent figures or former/current military/government agents are questioning the official story. Oh, wait...(plenty more where that came from, actually).

Wake up and let's save the country, k?

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