Tuesday, February 5, 2008

This is Scary

The possibility of martial law is a scary one, and one that I have thought about a lot for some time now. Whether it be the increasing militarization/brutality of local police forces, the $350 million contract for Halliburton to build detention facilities throughout the USA, the suspension of Habeus Corpus, the subduction of The Constitution or the way the majority of people in America just sit by and allow all of it to happen, it is a serious issue that needs to be addressed and, hopefully, rejected in its entirety. The sad thing is that most people, even those smart ones who seem to be on top of everything, don't notice what is happening. Yes, it is true that this problem is not being addressed by the corporate media and that is likely why nobody outside of the internet is really talking about it, but for how long will it continue? Up until the day the martial law is declared? If people do not take a long look soon at what is going on around them I fear that may be the case. There is still time for us to correct the path that we're on, but it is getting shorter by the day. I read a very interesting article on the subject today (and by the way, I think the answer to the question posed to the troops is "Yes" by a margin of somewhere around 80/20), and I plan to write one where I can cite some source material and really flesh out the whole idea sometime very soon. For now though, open your eyes and take a look at what is going on around you. And, perhaps, buy a gun.

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