Sunday, September 23, 2007

Interesting Articles

Now that I can go back to scouring news sources for articles again, here's a few that caught my eye...

An excerpt from Jonathan Chait's "The Big Con." This is exactly what I'm trying to say about the homogenization of American political parties and the emergence of the far right. I'd like to read this book.

Scott Adams' Dilbert Blog. Wow.

Israel asks that Aid be Paid in Euros! Yikes.

Oh and I have to mention: (Condi) "In the spirit of Yom Kippur, the United States will not hold Israel to any agreements obligating them to accept Dollars as payment for their foreigh aid. We will translate our obligations into Euros or whatever currency that best fits Israel's needs."

Well, in the spirit of Yom Kippur, can I get my next paycheck in Euro's?

New York Times: "Just How Far Did They Go, Those Words Against Israel?" Yes, how far did they go? An interesting breakdown of the language but unfortunately not much insight in to why this quote was blown so far out of proportion.

Yahoo: "Cheney mulled Israeli strike on Iran." Wow, what a gigantic surprise.

And, lastly:

Generals Opposing Iraq War Break with Military Tradition. More than 20 retired generals come out against their own government's actions in Iraq. This is something that's NEVER happened in US history. Read about who these guys are...they know what they're talking about. Where is the mainstream media on this? Shouldn't something like this just shatter any further doubt that what we are doing is a massive mistake? Policy change, please.


qrswave said...

Hey, the EUROS thing is satire. Take it from me - I know.

The original post has the word "satire" as a tag. But, some people overlooked it, and currently no tags are showing up at the blog because of the high volume of readers (my software has gone buggy).

Anyway, sorry about the mix up.

If it makes you feel any better, I fell for it hook, line and sinker. It's a very well done satire.

morrisonsghost said...

Well done, that's for sure. Can't say how happy I am that it's not real. My confidence in the American dollar is at an all-time low already, and if that story had been true, well, that pretty much would have been it.