Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Around the World

It would be nice if the positive news outweighed the negative, but you know, we live on the planet Earth, so it'll be a while until that happens.

Roots of a False Confession. Stories like this are the reason that torture, and the threat of torture, do NOT work. It will be interesting to see what happens if this case actually ends up in front of a jury. Odd how there was absolutely no evidence against this guy (what the FBI had on him was discovered to be based on false testimony), yet an interrogator was still able to procure a confession. Why would he confess to something like this unless what he says is true, and he was made to think that himself and his family were in grave danger of being tortured by Egyptian security forces?

The Boss Has His New CD Banned By Clear Channel. Seems there's quite a bit of anti-war material on the disk. Could that have something to do with why the #1 CD in the country is being banned from major radio play?

Hillary Clinton Served on Wal-Mart Board from '86-'92. No matter what type of spin they try to put on this, it has to count as a strike against Hillary.

Cross dressing? Sex with male prostitutes? Just another day in the life of a homo-hating GOP state rep.

Harry Reid Admits he Could Block War Funding, but He Won't. Is this really what we voted the Democrats in to accomplish? Reid and Nancy Pelosi are doing a horrible job for us, and they're making the Democratic party look ridiculously weak.

Once Again, UN Asks USA to Stop Cuban Embargo. But guess who's not listening (just like the last 15 times)? It is absolutely ridiculous to see the US claim that Cuba has an "internal embargo on freedom." What a phrase...

Waxman Asks White House to Turn Over 600 Pages of Documents Relating to Abramoff. One guess as to what the answer will be.

Warren Buffet Says Himself and other Rich People Should Pay More Taxes. I don't see what the problem with that would be. All he seems to be asking for is that the percentages be equal among all Americans. Yes, he pays an astronomical amount more in actual money than his secretary, but the point is that he pays a 17% tax while those making literally millions of dollars less than himself are paying 30% or more, and the less you make, the more a higher tax percentage hurts. The commerce departments' rebuttal does not take this in to account; they look only at the actual revenue dollars, which has been the excuse of the rich for years now. Personally, I don't give two shits how much money you make, I think that we should all pay the same percentage in income taxes. Actually, I don't think we should have to pay an illegal and unconstitutional tax on our labor, but that's a story for another day.

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