Wednesday, October 17, 2007

George W. Bush Warns of World War III

Can this really have happened? Is it possible that the President of the United States of America, after recently comparing Iraq to Vietnam ("Uhhh...We shouldn't have left there either!), has now openly mentioned a possible World War III if Iran acquires a nuclear weapon? I mean, not that we have any proven evidence of what they're doing, but you know, if we've gotta' nuke their asses we've gotta' nuke their asses....Right?

Is that our mentality these days?

I mean, really now, let's ramp up for World War III while we've still got Vietnam II on the front burner! That certainly sounds like a great idea. And while we're at it, how about a Cold War II? We're about 3/4 of the way there already. By God, it's brilliant! Let's make it a threesome! Not only will it allow us to take an even more gigantic stake in the Middle Eastern Oil businness, but we can also eliminate troops complaints about always having to leave home to go back to Iraq by constantly shuttling them between Iran and Iraq every 12 months (change of scenery ALWAYS helps) and finally we can also bring back the specter of Russia, allowing us to spend even more astronomical amounts of money on the Military-Industrial Complex while simultaneously reducing our own civil liberties in the wake of a new Red Scare! Rush Limbaugh and his ilk must be absolutely hyperventilating at the possibilities.

Now, back to the news at hand. Can you believe that we take things like the fact that "Condoleeza Rice recently asserted that Iran was lying to United Nations inspectors," at face value? No backup for those "assertions," by the way. UN Inspectors don't seem to think they're being lied to (they actually think we're lying about it), Russia does not believe Iran is lying (don't forget, they still have a massive intelligence community that is nearly as advanced as our own (thank Cold War I for that) if not equal, and yet somehow our allegations are all we need to justify launching another war of aggression? Have we forgotten how well that worked the first time? (It turned in to Vietnam II, remember?)

And to finish with something sad-but-humorous (which obviously holds great appeal to the cynical mind), see Bush saying "In terms of whether or not it’s possible to reprogram the kind of basic Russian DNA, which is a centralized authority, that’s hard to do," and wonder if he, or whoever is pulling the strings, is silently laughing at the thought of: "Yeah, just like it's hard to reprogram the kind of basic American DNA, which is rule by a thinly-veiled plutocracy! Gotcha, suckers!" Hmmmm, I just made myself sad.

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