Tuesday, October 16, 2007

More Articles

While I wait for the inspiration to actually write something...

"Second Earth" found? From what I know about Astronomy, this certainly sounds like the planet most likely to support life that we've found so far. Now all we need to do is develop that warp speed propulsion drive.

The Democrats showed the tiniest amount of balls possible in this recent stare down with President Bush. Don't get excited though, this means nothing when we still have people like Nancy Pelosi saying that war protesting (when it brings any anti-democratic sentiment) is "a waste of time," and also "If they were poor and they were sleeping on my sidewalk, they would be arrested for loitering, but because they have 'Impeach Bush' across their chest, it's the First Amendment." Oh and lest we forget, she even pulled out one right from the George W. Bush playbook, responding to a question about what her greatest mistake so far was, with: "Why don't you tell me? 'Cause I think we're doing just great." Well done, ma'am. The Speaker of the House, everybody! (And we wonder why nothing has changed with "Democrats" in "control" of the house and senate.)

How can the Daily Show continue to be the most accurate TV news source we have for what is really going on around here? I love the show, but I mean, really. Come on now. It's a comedy show! This is the kind of segment that should be shown on every major news channel, and perhaps would be if every major news channel wasn't just a tool of ultra-rich conglomerates trying to push their personal agendas.

Ron Paul continues to gain support. Let's stop the Buchanan comparisons though. Like, right now. And the whole "tinfoil hats" thing. That is just an invention of the media. An extremely diverse array of people support Ron Paul, and you can too. Listen to what he has to say, whether you lean left or right. I bet you'll be surprised.

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