Thursday, August 9, 2007

The Idiocy of Republicans and Democrats

Of late, I've been thinking heavily about the idiocy of both parties. Not only have they both strayed far from their traditional values (everyone's a centrist or a "fundamental" extremist these days), but with an election looming in the near future, both parties have decided to completely ignore candidates who espouse their core values. Those candidates? Republican Ron Paul (R-Texas) and Democrat Dennis Kucinich (D-Ohio). Both speak truth to power on the current issues of the day, both were smart enough to vote against the Iraq War Resolution, the USA PATRIOT Act (both times) and the Military Commissions Act of 2006. Both have level-headed views on abortion; Kucinich is pro-choice and Paul is pro-life, but believes strongly in the separation of church and state (remember that one, everybody?) and would leave the issue for individual states to decide. How can you disagree with that? Paul is also anti-income tax and anti-Federal Reserve, recognizing both to be illegal and un-American. Kucinich is no friend to the Federal Reserve, but he does hold the true "liberal" idea regarding the income tax. Though I disagree with the tax myself, I would much rather see the system that Kucinich envisions, one where all are taxed equally, as opposed to our current system where the poor and middle class pay out a larger percentage of their income than the rich. Paul is a true conservative and a genuine constitutionalist, which we have not seen in office for perhaps 200 years. Kucinich is a true liberal who has a proven election record against Republicans, which I tend to doubt we've ever seen in office.

So, why aren't these two the front runners? Why isn't the talk about a Paul vs. Kucinich battle in '08? The simple fact is that people who call themselves Republicans and Democrats have forgotten their true values and beliefs. We have become so polarized as a nation that the only thing we find important is Winning. As a Democrat (for lack of a better word) I saw firsthand over the last year plus that a party change will do absolutely nothing for the country overall. I voted Democrat up and down in '06 and urged others to do likewise. So what happened? Sweeping Democratic victories! And what's happened since? Not a damn thing. We've watched our Dem dominated House and Senate kowtow to Bush and Co. on every issue under the sun, puffing up their chests for a fight at first, only to deflate faster than a balloon that lands on a porcupine's quills when the going got tough. NOTHING has changed. In fact, things have gotten even worse. Republican or Democrat, liberal or conservative, is that what we really want as a country? Continued acquiescence to a power elite bent on money, power and Empire? It's certainly not what I want, and if you're not in the tiny percentage of rich bastards who've run things since before most of us can remember, I doubt it's what you want either. If you are a true Republican or a true Democrat, Paul and Kucinich must be the only choices in '08. Look at what both men are saying. Look at both of their voting records. How can you deny it? We have a chance to change the face of American politics, and we have that chance right now. If you call yourself a true member of your party, and a true advocate of the America our forefathers dreamed of, but find yourself backing Clinton or Giuliani or Obama or Romney or Dodd or Thompson or any of those others who are backed by the same people who have bankrolled countless previous "leaders," look at what's going on, look at what they say and how they've voted, and change your mind. The time for change is now, and we must take advantage of it or continue to suffer the consequences of political extremism. Can we survive that? Let's not find out.

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