Thursday, August 16, 2007

Our Tax Dollars at Work

With the skyrocketing national debt and the weak dollar, one might think that there might be more of a resistance to things like giving Israel another $30 BILLION to help load them up with weapons. Seeing as how they already posses nuclear bombs and one of the most powerful/sophisticated army's in the middle-east (all backed, powered and provided by America, mind you), maybe we could cut down on the "Military aid" huh? Oh, and a nice fat cherry on top: 74% of that money is required to be pumped right back in to the American Military-Industrial Complex. Well, that's certainly not suspicious at all, is it?

And if that wasn't enough, an American company recently fleeced the Government out of over $20 million mostly due, it seems, to a lack of any oversight:

It's like people forget, when they see numbers like that, that it's OUR money they're throwing away, not theirs. Is this what you want the taxes you pay to support?

And the beat goes on....

1 comment:

101drdeakins101 said...

We can't have the economics of the East coast getting disturbed. If we cut back on Military spending then the East coast is screwed. Maybe that is who the US needs to wage war against is the East coast. States like Maryland, Virginia, and North Carolina. Oh, yes and Washington as well. These states are the true government suckers.

You could say the same about Colorado, Arizona, and Texas with big military contractors being there as well, but maybe that was the point of putting them all over, so every state has a stake in the overall economy of the military.