Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Iran: The New Iraq?

Now that 30 is the new 20, White is the new Black and Thursday is the new Friday, is Iran indeed the new Iraq? With rumors of the Bush Administration planning to add the Iranian Republican Guard to it's list of "terrorist organizations," that certainly seems to be the case. Remember how the administration got the public ramped up for Iraq? The biggest piece was the connection of Saddam Hussein with 9/11, something hammered in to us day after day by Bush & Co. (or is it Cheney INC.?). Remember how many times you heard the words "terror," "terrorist" or "terrorism?" Thousands. No matter whether you paid attention to the real news or got your information from sound bytes, you were constantly bombarded with those three words, and all nearly always in connection with these three little words: "Saddam" "Hussein" and "Iraq." Outside of the usual affections of Empire, I can't think of any reason invading Iran might be something the Government (not to mention "We the People") would even consider, but those in power don't seem to see anything wrong with it. Even "Democratic Frontrunners" Hilary Clinton and Barack Obama won't back down from the idea, nor will they even condemn it.

As for the mass media, the last bastion of the "liberal left," surprisingly most don't have much to say on the issue. Unless, of course, you count our beloved FOX News. I kind of thought it would be funny if a video like this existed, but now that one actually does, I'm not sure how I feel about it (notice the subtle connections between the invasion of Iraq and the future invasion of Iran):

Ignore the petition at the end, because if you know how things work you know that no matter how many people sign it, those who run the media will report whatever they like, in whatever way they please. But I do want you to note the close resemblance of the pre-Iraq footage to what can now be considered the pre-Iran footage. If it quacks like a duck, and smells like a duck, and looks like a duck, and feels like a duck...well, you get the point. In my estimation it is only a matter of time before networks like CNN are "intimidated" in to jumping on the band wagon, just like they have been doing for the past 7 years with every little thing you can imagine. I've got an idea; this time let's not listen to them! And remember, no matter what they do, the current administration is coming in to their home stretch and they can only hurt us so much until the next election (assuming there is one at all, which is a whole other chilling story in itself). In 2006 "We the People" got angry enough at Congress and the Senate to basically completely shift the power structure, so even though the new power structure did exactly the same thing as the old one, we should take heart in the fact that we can still at least somewhat control by whom we are governed. The extreme facets of Democrat and Republican are not the only choice that we have, and since they both seem to do the same thing anyway, perhaps it's time for you to consider actually analyzing who you are voting for instead of the (R) or (D) next to their name.

The only way we can build our country back to some semblance of our perceived past glory (or at lest financial stability) and independence is by working together, and putting people in office who will work for us instead of fighting over petty labels and thinking we've won just because the party labeled "ours" is in control. Both sides have a lot to offer, but currently the majority of people from both factions are corporate bootlickers and pawns who care more about the money others stuff in their "war chests" than about what's best for you and me on a Thursday night in August. The proletariat still hold the power of numbers, and if we don't want them to take that from us, we need to use it. Let's get off the oil train and realize that it's not worth the trillions of dollars it's cost US over the years. Let's stop policing the world and doing things because other countries want us to, and start doing what's best for us. If we follow this president and his administration blindly in to Iran just like we did with Iraq, I fear our time is shorter than we think. Whatever you can do to prevent it....DO IT.

Also, if you'd like to see an example of why it is a HORRIBLE idea to invade Iran (much like it was a HORRIBLE idea to invade Iraq, but that's nether here nor there) , start watching this Daily Show 5:42 in. Simply brilliant. The Obama interview is simple politicking, but the "America to the Rescue" bit is exceptional and, sadly, ALL true:

Let's wake up.

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