Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Will the Hypocrisy Never Cease (or Even Slow Down)?

In a brilliant speech delivered at the American Legion convention earlier today, our oblivious "President" continued to deliver unabashedly hypocritical messages regarding Iran in what should be considered yet another piece of his administrations ramp-up to another unprovoked invasion. Bush had the (well, what is the right word? Audacity? Gaul? Arrogance? Plain ol' Thickheadedness?) to state that, and I quote, "Iran has arrested visiting American scholars who have committed no crimes and impose no threat to their regime," while accusing Iran of attempting to destabilize (like it's freaking stable) Iraq. Coming from a man who authorized the torture and extraordinary rendition of citizens of other sovereign nations without criminal charges and who has also made it possible for American citizens to be detained indefinitely without charge, his statement seems...confusing. I mean, America has been arresting and detaining people who have committed no crimes and pose no threat to our regime for going on 6 years now, but apparently it's unheard of that someone else might do the same thing. In fact, it's so out of line that we might just have to bomb them back to the stone age. I'm hoping that none of the countries where we've been frivolously arresting people feel the same way, or we might be in line for a suicide bombing or two here pretty soon.

I also find it funny that Bush accuses Iran of providing Iraq and the Taliban with weapons, when the weapons they've been fighting with this entire time were provided mostly by....whoops, the United States! Yup, a nice portion of those tax dollars we paid in the 80's to provide Saddam with weapons during his war with Iran and to help out Osama and the Taliban during their war with the USSR also paid for the lives of many US troops during the current occupations. But, you see, it's only bad when other people give those countries weapons. When we do it, it's just fine. Oh, not that we have any evidence that Iran is doing what we accuse them of doing, by the way. Notice that in all the attacks and accusations against Iran going around in our government right now, those doing the accusing and attacking don't actually provide concrete evidence, or in fact, any evidence at all. "We don't have any evidence, but we're damn sure it's those Iranian bastards!" Hmmmmm, is it just me or is this starting to sound like Saddam's WMD's all over again? Oh, it sounds EXACTLY like that, you say? Perhaps you're right.

Now, let's ride a little bit further on the hypocrisy train, shall we? Notice that Bush says "I want our fellow citizens to consider what would happen if these forces of radicalism and extremism were allowed to drive us out of the Middle East. The region would be dramatically transformed in a way that could imperil the civilized world." (they aren't civilized over there, by the way) I also want you to note that he makes no mention of the fact that we've just granted over $50 BILLION total in military aid to Israel, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. So, didn't we just GIVE BILLIONS OF DOLLARS to the "forces of radicalism and extremism?" Check out what the governments of the aforementioned countries have been up to, and...yeah, you'll have to agree. I mean, hmmmm, is there any possibility that one of those countries might eventually turn around and use all those weapons against us during a conflict with the US? I guess it's never happened before, not like almost every other time we've done it or anything, so we should be OK. Hypocrisy in general sickens me, but when it comes on such a grand scale and costs our country thousands of lives and BILLIONS of dollars, it's just exponentially worse. In fact, I can't write about this anymore right now.

Death to the dishonorable.

1 comment:

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